Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 'Glee' Effect: Chorale Members are the New Jocks

Thanks, much in part, to the popularity of the show 'Glee', members of school sanctioned chorale groups are no longer social outcasts. On the contrary, they are becoming the new 'Jocks'.

Rufus G., a member of a chorale group, expounds glee-fully upon his new social status, "I am no longer gettin' wedgies!"

But some worry that the pendulum has indeed swung too far in the opposite direction; there is now a new breed of chorus bullies. Maribelle C. confides, "I once knocked over the board of some chess geeks." It was witnessed during this interview, a wandering 'horde' of chorus members setting upon an unsuspecting group of math club members and erasing their equations.

Dan R., a quarterback on his high school's football team has his own take on the situation, "Before that damn show, being the quarterback was like the best. I never thought that I'd have to sing like a girl to get a girl, it really makes a guy think."

Tony A., a center on his high school's basketball team, had this to say, "This is f!@#ing nuts! What's next? A show called the "A/V" Avengers! This crap has gotta stop. These networks have to think about how these shows hurt people."

And, finally, we heard from Bernard O., a member of both the math and chess clubs, "Getting the proverbial crap kicked out of us by jocks was one thing, but having these wussies get the better of us is really upsetting."

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